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Tarquinia は城壁に囲まれた丘の上の都市。塔もおおい。


2019/10/30 - 2019/10/30







高速・路線バス 徒歩


  • Chiesa e Convento di San Francesco, XIII-XIV sec.<br /><br />The church was built between the end of the 13th century and the beginning of the 14th and seems to<br />have emerged due to a miracle performed by S. Francesco. Legend has that the miracle occurred in the<br />area where an oratory, dedicated to the Trinity, once stood and from which monks from the &quot;frati <br />Francescani Minori&quot; were known to have lead services. At the beginning of the 16th century the church <br />underwent many renovations in order to restore the building, completely altering its original structure. <br />The structure entertwines both Gothic (particularly inside the church) and Romanesque (mostly in the <br />facade) architectural motifs. The facade is divided into three sections which is reflected within the <br />church by the three naves. The two lateral sections are both crowned with a series of arches indicative <br />of Lombardy The bell tower was constructed in 1612 replacing a former tower, probably bearing three <br />bells. The right side is adorned with five chapels. The convent houses the &quot;Frati dell&#39;Immacolata&quot; (Friars <br />of the Immaculate) and the Renaissance style cloisters and well, situated in the gardens, are<br />remarkably beautiful and worthy of note.

    Chiesa e Convento di San Francesco, XIII-XIV sec.

    The church was built between the end of the 13th century and the beginning of the 14th and seems to
    have emerged due to a miracle performed by S. Francesco. Legend has that the miracle occurred in the
    area where an oratory, dedicated to the Trinity, once stood and from which monks from the "frati
    Francescani Minori" were known to have lead services. At the beginning of the 16th century the church
    underwent many renovations in order to restore the building, completely altering its original structure.
    The structure entertwines both Gothic (particularly inside the church) and Romanesque (mostly in the
    facade) architectural motifs. The facade is divided into three sections which is reflected within the
    church by the three naves. The two lateral sections are both crowned with a series of arches indicative
    of Lombardy The bell tower was constructed in 1612 replacing a former tower, probably bearing three
    bells. The right side is adorned with five chapels. The convent houses the "Frati dell'Immacolata" (Friars
    of the Immaculate) and the Renaissance style cloisters and well, situated in the gardens, are
    remarkably beautiful and worthy of note.

  • タルクィニア 散歩・街歩き

    チヴィタヴェッキアからの日帰りに最適。街もきれい。世界遺産のエトルリア文明に出会える。 by nomonomoさん
  • Chiesa di San Martino, XI sec.<br /><br />It is one of the oldest churches in the city and, over time, has undergone <br />arbitrary changes that have greatly distorted the original appearance. The<br />facade is characterized, in its central part, by a bi-chrome frame that <br />distinguishes the bottom part, rich in decorative elements, from the upper <br />section, which is smooth and simple. The interior is divided into three<br />naves; in the left aisle, in a niche, you can see traces of a fresco, with the<br />images of Saint Anne and the Virgin and Child, dating back to the fifteenth<br />century.

    Chiesa di San Martino, XI sec.

    It is one of the oldest churches in the city and, over time, has undergone
    arbitrary changes that have greatly distorted the original appearance. The
    facade is characterized, in its central part, by a bi-chrome frame that
    distinguishes the bottom part, rich in decorative elements, from the upper
    section, which is smooth and simple. The interior is divided into three
    naves; in the left aisle, in a niche, you can see traces of a fresco, with the
    images of Saint Anne and the Virgin and Child, dating back to the fifteenth

  • Torre e Campo Cialdi, XI-XII sec.<br /><br />Built between the 11th and 12th centuries, is located in an<br />isolated area near &quot;Campo Cialdi&quot; on the north-western border of<br />the city, overlooking the Marta Valley and the buttress of the<br />Castle. The external wall surfaces are smooth and constructed of<br />&quot;macco&quot; stones laid in horizontal rows, seamed together with a <br />cement mixture, &quot;pozzolana&quot;. The tower features a semi-circled<br />arched door situated above street level with slitted windows.<br /><br />

    Torre e Campo Cialdi, XI-XII sec.

    Built between the 11th and 12th centuries, is located in an
    isolated area near "Campo Cialdi" on the north-western border of
    the city, overlooking the Marta Valley and the buttress of the
    Castle. The external wall surfaces are smooth and constructed of
    "macco" stones laid in horizontal rows, seamed together with a
    cement mixture, "pozzolana". The tower features a semi-circled
    arched door situated above street level with slitted windows.

  • タルクィニア 散歩・街歩き

    チヴィタヴェッキアからの日帰りに最適。街もきれい。世界遺産のエトルリア文明に出会える。 by nomonomoさん
  • Torre Draghi, XII-XIII sec.<br /><br />It was constructed between the 12th and 13th centuries, built<br />upon a rectangular base and attached at the corner to a<br />two-storey building. The wall surfaces are smooth and<br />constructed of squared &quot;macco&quot; stone seamed together with a <br />cement mixture of lime, sand and the mineral &quot;pozzolana&quot;. It is <br />decorated in the upper section of the &quot;nenfro&quot; cornice with large <br />jutting shelf-like tablets. The base of the tower is of hewn stone <br />rectangular blocks, out of which a semi-circled, now partially <br />sealed arched door opens.

    Torre Draghi, XII-XIII sec.

    It was constructed between the 12th and 13th centuries, built
    upon a rectangular base and attached at the corner to a
    two-storey building. The wall surfaces are smooth and
    constructed of squared "macco" stone seamed together with a
    cement mixture of lime, sand and the mineral "pozzolana". It is
    decorated in the upper section of the "nenfro" cornice with large
    jutting shelf-like tablets. The base of the tower is of hewn stone
    rectangular blocks, out of which a semi-circled, now partially
    sealed arched door opens.

  • 国立タルクィニア博物館 博物館・美術館・ギャラリー

  • タルクィニア観光案内所 散歩・街歩き


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