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Neal's Yard と Seven Dials Market にまた来ました。いいところは何度来てもいいですね。

London(3.6) Neal's Yard と Seven Dials Market にまた来ました。いいところですね。


2020/01/31 - 2020/01/31


旅行記グループ London, winter 2020 (1)






Neal's Yard と Seven Dials Market にまた来ました。いいところは何度来てもいいですね。

鉄道 徒歩


  • Underground で Covent Garden まで来ました。

    Underground で Covent Garden まで来ました。

    コヴェント ガーデン 広場・公園

  • 歩いて,Neal's Yard を目指します。

    歩いて,Neal's Yard を目指します。

  • コヴェント・ガーデン周辺はいつも人がいっぱい。


  • Neal Street を歩きます。

    Neal Street を歩きます。

    ニール・ストリート ショッピングセンター

  • あっち。


  • ここを入ります。


    ニールズ・ヤード 専門店

  • ベーカリーも。<br />St. JOHN Bakery<br /> 3 Neal&#39;s Yard, West End, London WC2H 9DP <br />https://www.sevendials.co.uk/stores/st-john-bakery/<br />

    St. JOHN Bakery
    3 Neal's Yard, West End, London WC2H 9DP

  • 中庭的な広場。


  • wildfoodcafe<br />https://wildfoodcafe.com/shop/


    ワイルド フード カフェ ベジタリアン

    Neal's Yard にあるおしゃれなカフェ。自然派。小さなお店です。 by nomonomoさん
  • いろどり。


  • ステキな一角。


  • いいところです。


    ニールズ・ヤード 専門店

  • Seven Dials Market に来ました。お向かいです。<br />https://www.sevendialsmarket.com/<br />

    Seven Dials Market に来ました。お向かいです。

  • 吹き抜けと,ひろい,ゆったりした空間。


  • 現代的です。


  • いい雰囲気です。


  • あたらしいコンセプト。


  • Street food<br />in London<br /><br />From its early days as a site for peddling sheep&#39;s trotters, <br />jellied eels, muffins and pies, London&#39;s streets have provided<br />the launchpad for thousands and thousands of one woman/man <br />businesses. Each has taken advantage of the opportunity that <br />the space between our buildings has enabled. No doors, no walls - <br />a space where everyone belongs, however contested, and a place <br />where the negotiation between people from different walks of life <br />results in those chance encounters, messy endings and <br />everything in between that keep life rich.<br /><br />Costermonger was the traditional name given to street sellers<br />of all description - itinerant hawkers, servicing the needs of a busy <br />city on the move - and were still a feature in London up until the <br />1960s when the regulation of our markets forced them into static <br />pitches if they wanted to trade. City officials have never really <br />loved those who they can&#39;t pin down or account for, yet those <br />duckers and divers are the ones who keep urban life interesting <br />and unpredictable. God knows spontaneity helps keep us all <br />feeling more human in our increasingly choreographed lives.<br /><br />At the start of the Noughties, more and more people were <br />returning to London&#39;s streets with wagons and carts, trucks <br />and stalls, buoyed on by social media, an economy in tatters<br />and a dedication to great, independent cooking - the &#39;street food <br />revolution&#39; had begun! We have ridden that wave, accompanied <br />by Street Feast, the British Street Food Awards and Street Food <br />Union, and Londoners are now served a dizzying array of food<br />on our streets, hailing from all corners of the Earth.<br /><br />As we always say, street food brings street life - and a city that <br />allows for activities and entrepreneurialism, spontaneity and <br />play between the lines is a city worth being in. Shout out to the <br />visionary landlords and local authorities who get this - and to all <br />our costermonger fore-bearers who have hawked before us!

    Street food
    in London

    From its early days as a site for peddling sheep's trotters,
    jellied eels, muffins and pies, London's streets have provided
    the launchpad for thousands and thousands of one woman/man
    businesses. Each has taken advantage of the opportunity that
    the space between our buildings has enabled. No doors, no walls -
    a space where everyone belongs, however contested, and a place
    where the negotiation between people from different walks of life
    results in those chance encounters, messy endings and
    everything in between that keep life rich.

    Costermonger was the traditional name given to street sellers
    of all description - itinerant hawkers, servicing the needs of a busy
    city on the move - and were still a feature in London up until the
    1960s when the regulation of our markets forced them into static
    pitches if they wanted to trade. City officials have never really
    loved those who they can't pin down or account for, yet those
    duckers and divers are the ones who keep urban life interesting
    and unpredictable. God knows spontaneity helps keep us all
    feeling more human in our increasingly choreographed lives.

    At the start of the Noughties, more and more people were
    returning to London's streets with wagons and carts, trucks
    and stalls, buoyed on by social media, an economy in tatters
    and a dedication to great, independent cooking - the 'street food
    revolution' had begun! We have ridden that wave, accompanied
    by Street Feast, the British Street Food Awards and Street Food
    Union, and Londoners are now served a dizzying array of food
    on our streets, hailing from all corners of the Earth.

    As we always say, street food brings street life - and a city that
    allows for activities and entrepreneurialism, spontaneity and
    play between the lines is a city worth being in. Shout out to the
    visionary landlords and local authorities who get this - and to all
    our costermonger fore-bearers who have hawked before us!

  • History<br /><br />We are a membership organisation dedicated <br />to the incubation and acceleration of London&#39;s <br />most promising street food businesses.<br /><br />We believe that the food on our streets should be filled with <br />incredible, diverse, slap-you-round-the-face-it&#39;s-so-good <br />flavour, and that the talented traders behind it should have <br />the best chance possible to do what they love, develop their <br />businesses and, ultimately, succeed from the kerb up.<br /><br />We were founded by Petra Barran who began talent spotting and <br />organising traders from her choc-mobile, Choc Star, in 2010. The <br />idea for KERB was basically incubated in an ice cream van! While <br />scooping and shaking all chocolate everything, Petra spotted an <br />opportunity to do something with all the talent and flavour she<br />saw in her fellow traders.<br /><br />The idea was to cluster - to seek out the most exciting street <br />food talent, bring them together on the streets of London and <br />progress this dynamic but previously informal industry.<br /><br />We have been at the helm of the London street food scene <br />since launching in 2012 at King&#39;s Cross. We have improved the <br />quality of food served on the capital&#39;s streets, legitimised the<br />industry through professionalising its practices, given Londoners <br />something tasty to sink their teeth into and grown a community <br />of entrepreneurs who are driving real change across the city&#39;s<br />food landscape.<br /><br />Seven Dials Market is our first indoor space, in addition to our <br />other lunch markets, none of which are far from here - so we<br />now have you covered for all the weather that this cit might <br />throw at us.


    We are a membership organisation dedicated
    to the incubation and acceleration of London's
    most promising street food businesses.

    We believe that the food on our streets should be filled with
    incredible, diverse, slap-you-round-the-face-it's-so-good
    flavour, and that the talented traders behind it should have
    the best chance possible to do what they love, develop their
    businesses and, ultimately, succeed from the kerb up.

    We were founded by Petra Barran who began talent spotting and
    organising traders from her choc-mobile, Choc Star, in 2010. The
    idea for KERB was basically incubated in an ice cream van! While
    scooping and shaking all chocolate everything, Petra spotted an
    opportunity to do something with all the talent and flavour she
    saw in her fellow traders.

    The idea was to cluster - to seek out the most exciting street
    food talent, bring them together on the streets of London and
    progress this dynamic but previously informal industry.

    We have been at the helm of the London street food scene
    since launching in 2012 at King's Cross. We have improved the
    quality of food served on the capital's streets, legitimised the
    industry through professionalising its practices, given Londoners
    something tasty to sink their teeth into and grown a community
    of entrepreneurs who are driving real change across the city's
    food landscape.

    Seven Dials Market is our first indoor space, in addition to our
    other lunch markets, none of which are far from here - so we
    now have you covered for all the weather that this cit might
    throw at us.

  • ここは,Street food のお店のあつまり,とはちょっと違うと思いますが,まあ,そんなに気にしなくて。。。。

    ここは,Street food のお店のあつまり,とはちょっと違うと思いますが,まあ,そんなに気にしなくて。。。。

    ホークスモア (セブンダイヤル店) ステーキ・グリル

  • ここは「胡瓜横丁」です。おなじ建物の中。



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London, winter 2020 (1)


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