ブリスベン旅行記(ブログ) 一覧に戻る
Brisbaneへ行くのは初めてやった。Gold Coastからはバスに乗って行った。小さくて可愛い街。結構好きな感じかも。私はSydneyよりもこういうMelbourneみたいな昔ながらのちっちゃめな街の方が好きなんかも。でも、Sydneyも大好きやったけど。<br />途中でカメラが壊れた。。。(泣)日本製だった為、日本まで送って修理してもらった。



2004/07/16 - 2004/07/17






Brisbaneへ行くのは初めてやった。Gold Coastからはバスに乗って行った。小さくて可愛い街。結構好きな感じかも。私はSydneyよりもこういうMelbourneみたいな昔ながらのちっちゃめな街の方が好きなんかも。でも、Sydneyも大好きやったけど。


  • Casino in Brisbane. i didnt go inside, but it looks so cool, don\&#39;t u think?

    Casino in Brisbane. i didnt go inside, but it looks so cool, don\'t u think?

  • what a cute car! but it makes me think about DRUG... is it just me? i dunno why, but i\&#39;ve got an idea that [kinoko] = [Drug]

    what a cute car! but it makes me think about DRUG... is it just me? i dunno why, but i\'ve got an idea that [kinoko] = [Drug]

  • Botanic Garden in Brisbane. it was about 10 minutes walk from CBD of Brisbane. i tried to go visit all botanic gardens of all the cities i\&#39;ve been, but i couldn\&#39;t get a chance to go to the ones of Cairns and Sydney(even though i stayed there for 10 months!)

    Botanic Garden in Brisbane. it was about 10 minutes walk from CBD of Brisbane. i tried to go visit all botanic gardens of all the cities i\'ve been, but i couldn\'t get a chance to go to the ones of Cairns and Sydney(even though i stayed there for 10 months!)

  • a tree originally from India. it\&#39;s such an amazing tree. i love the way it grows.

    a tree originally from India. it\'s such an amazing tree. i love the way it grows.

  • the city of Brisbane.

    the city of Brisbane.

  • a concert by school boys and girls from NZ. and the lady in the pic was dancing with the music... she was a happy lady, making people laugh in a good way.

    a concert by school boys and girls from NZ. and the lady in the pic was dancing with the music... she was a happy lady, making people laugh in a good way.

  • i met them in Gold Coast by accident. they were living in the same dorm with me in Sydney. we didn\&#39;t talk about our trips at all, but we met each other in a minor small shopping mall in GC. it was a great miracle. and we got together in Brisbane again and had one day together.

    i met them in Gold Coast by accident. they were living in the same dorm with me in Sydney. we didn\'t talk about our trips at all, but we met each other in a minor small shopping mall in GC. it was a great miracle. and we got together in Brisbane again and had one day together.

  • me at a stage of Botanic Garden. am i a good dancer, yeah?

    me at a stage of Botanic Garden. am i a good dancer, yeah?



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