ミンダナオ島旅行記(ブログ) 一覧に戻る

フィリピン遠征②/Philippines Expedition ②


2017/09/09 - 2017/09/17








  • 1日だけの休養日:小さな無人島へ<br /><br /> 9泊10日のフィリピン遠征でしたが、中日の水曜に1日休養日をもらいました。この日は合気道関係の現地の方が個人的に所有するLiquid Islandというとても小さな無人島でのバカンスに充てることにします。入国前から予定していたことですが、残念極まりなかったのは前日から天気が悪く美しい海が望めそうもなかったこと。<br /><br /> <br /><br />ミンダナオ島の中でも代表的なリゾート地サマル島はダバオの対岸、ほぼ泳いでいけるくらいの距離にあります。フェリーでも10分足らずの距離。目指すLiquid Islandはサマル島に渡ってから車で島を北上してさらに船で渡ったところにあるとても小さな島になります。<br /><br />2015年末にサマル島のマリーナがイスラム国に忠誠を誓うイスラム勢力「アブサヤフ」の一派に襲われ、カナダ人、ノルウェー人など外国人観光客と現地関係者が誘拐されました。そのうちカナダ人の男性2名は2016年半ばに頭部を切断されて見つかりました。ダバオ市内にいる限りはあまり感じなかった危険がこうした時に感じられます。<br /><br /><br />Just one day off:Going to a little resort island<br /><br />    We had just one day off during 9 days workshop in Davao. We went day trip to a little resort island named Liquid Island which was owned by Aikido fellow in Philippines. Only one shame was the climate was not friendly and we could not expect the perfect beautiful tropical sea.<br /><br /><br /> <br /><br />    Samal Island is the most famous resort of Mindanao and located just “swimming distance” from Davao city. It is just 10 minutes by Ferry. Our destination Liquid Island is North-eastern direction from Samal island. <br /><br />    In the end of 2015, Canadian tourists were abducted by radical Islamic group “Abu Sayyaf” and were found as being killed in the beheaded in 2016. Although we don’t feel imminent danger as long as we stay within Davao city, we can’t help recognizing that we are not in Japan.<br /><br />


     9泊10日のフィリピン遠征でしたが、中日の水曜に1日休養日をもらいました。この日は合気道関係の現地の方が個人的に所有するLiquid Islandというとても小さな無人島でのバカンスに充てることにします。入国前から予定していたことですが、残念極まりなかったのは前日から天気が悪く美しい海が望めそうもなかったこと。

    ミンダナオ島の中でも代表的なリゾート地サマル島はダバオの対岸、ほぼ泳いでいけるくらいの距離にあります。フェリーでも10分足らずの距離。目指すLiquid Islandはサマル島に渡ってから車で島を北上してさらに船で渡ったところにあるとても小さな島になります。


    Just one day off:Going to a little resort island

    We had just one day off during 9 days workshop in Davao. We went day trip to a little resort island named Liquid Island which was owned by Aikido fellow in Philippines. Only one shame was the climate was not friendly and we could not expect the perfect beautiful tropical sea.

    Samal Island is the most famous resort of Mindanao and located just “swimming distance” from Davao city. It is just 10 minutes by Ferry. Our destination Liquid Island is North-eastern direction from Samal island.

    In the end of 2015, Canadian tourists were abducted by radical Islamic group “Abu Sayyaf” and were found as being killed in the beheaded in 2016. Although we don’t feel imminent danger as long as we stay within Davao city, we can’t help recognizing that we are not in Japan.

  •  今回島に同行するために車を提供してくれたFさん。実は裁判所の判事で同地では大変な重要人物でインテリ階層の方。その割にけっこう下品なジョークを飛ばします。後ろに見える方も合気道の仲間です。<br /><br /><br />    He is Mr. F, who offered us to go together with us by his car. As a matter of fact, he is a Judge of Philippines’ court and belongs to very intelligent class in this country. Nevertheless he often tends to say tacky jokes. The guy behind is our Aikido fellow, too.


    He is Mr. F, who offered us to go together with us by his car. As a matter of fact, he is a Judge of Philippines’ court and belongs to very intelligent class in this country. Nevertheless he often tends to say tacky jokes. The guy behind is our Aikido fellow, too.

  • 同じく車を提供してくれたDr. O。産婦人科のお医者さんです。奥さんと可愛い小学生の娘さんも一緒です。<br /><br /><br />He is Dr. O who also offered driving by his car. He is a doctor of gynecology and his wife and little cute girl were accompanied with him.

    同じく車を提供してくれたDr. O。産婦人科のお医者さんです。奥さんと可愛い小学生の娘さんも一緒です。

    He is Dr. O who also offered driving by his car. He is a doctor of gynecology and his wife and little cute girl were accompanied with him.

  • フェリーに乗り込んだところ。もう向う岸にサマル島が見えてます。すぐに対岸に到着して、そこから車で50分ほどかけて島への渡し船に到着。道は最初だけ舗装路ですが、後はひたすら未舗装路と工事中の道路を駆け抜けます。やはりフィリピン全土のインフラが依然として普請中、換言すれば成長の途上にあることを感じます。さらに驚いたのが、バイクの3,4人乗り!“アジアの風景”としてお馴染みではありますが、とにかく動いているバイクに乗れるだけ乗っている。写真は撮れませんでしたが、見た中で最高記録は「5人+鶏1羽」でした。<br /><br />We got aboard on the Ferry. Samal island is just across the narrow channel. After only 10 minutes, we reached the island and drove up north. The road is paved only in the beginning and the rest of it was all muddy road or road under construction. It reminded me of the fact Philippines as a whole is still under construction, in other words, it is on the process of the growth. I was also surprised to see many people on a motorcycle. It is familiar as “Asian landscape”. Although I couldn’t take a shot, the record I saw was “5 people+1 chickin” .


    We got aboard on the Ferry. Samal island is just across the narrow channel. After only 10 minutes, we reached the island and drove up north. The road is paved only in the beginning and the rest of it was all muddy road or road under construction. It reminded me of the fact Philippines as a whole is still under construction, in other words, it is on the process of the growth. I was also surprised to see many people on a motorcycle. It is familiar as “Asian landscape”. Although I couldn’t take a shot, the record I saw was “5 people+1 chickin” .

  • 島に渡るアウトリガー型の船。もう目の前に目指す小島が見えています。<br /><br /> <br />船の中でこっそりと撮ったので見づらいかもしれませんが、船にはしっかりと自動小銃を抱えた兵士(セキュリティ?)も乗り込んでいます。<br /><br /><br />This is an Outrigger-type boat and Liquid island is seen in short distance. <br /> <br />The photo is not very clear as I took it secretly. A soldier (or Security guard?) with an Automatic rifle was together on board.<br />



    This is an Outrigger-type boat and Liquid island is seen in short distance.

    The photo is not very clear as I took it secretly. A soldier (or Security guard?) with an Automatic rifle was together on board.

  • 島に到着!あらかじめ待機していたスタッフが出迎えてくれます。小雨が降っていたので傘を持ってきてくれますが、右端の方はしっかりと自動小銃も持っていますね。<br /><br /><br />We landed on the island. As it was raining slightly, staff brought us umbrellas. The guy on the right end brings an Automatic rifle as well.


    We landed on the island. As it was raining slightly, staff brought us umbrellas. The guy on the right end brings an Automatic rifle as well.

  • ここが島のメインハウス。ここで食事やカラオケを楽しみます。<br /><br /><br />This is the main house of the island to enjoy food and Karaoke.


    This is the main house of the island to enjoy food and Karaoke.

  • メインハウスの裏にはスイミングプール。<br /><br /><br /><br />Behind the main house is swimming pool.


    Behind the main house is swimming pool.

  • このほか島の中には様々なタイプの宿泊施設が散在しています。<br /><br />ちなみにこの島をほぼ半周した様子をウェアラブルカメラで動画にしてみましたが、残念ながらここではYoutubeの貼付けができないので、小生のBlog でお確かめください(edamann.net)。小雨の中で美しい海が見えないのが返す々々残念!それでも岸壁沿いのキオスクから見下ろした海の中にヤガラ(細長い魚の一種)の群れがいたりしました。<br /><br /><br />In the island there are different types of accommodations.<br /><br />I took movie of half round of the island by wearable camera, but Youtube is not available for this web site.Please reffer my Blog (edamann.net). It is so shame indeed that the sea was not very beautiful in the rain! But I could see trumpet fishes under the kiosk on quay.<br />


    ちなみにこの島をほぼ半周した様子をウェアラブルカメラで動画にしてみましたが、残念ながらここではYoutubeの貼付けができないので、小生のBlog でお確かめください(edamann.net)。小雨の中で美しい海が見えないのが返す々々残念!それでも岸壁沿いのキオスクから見下ろした海の中にヤガラ(細長い魚の一種)の群れがいたりしました。

    In the island there are different types of accommodations.

    I took movie of half round of the island by wearable camera, but Youtube is not available for this web site.Please reffer my Blog (edamann.net). It is so shame indeed that the sea was not very beautiful in the rain! But I could see trumpet fishes under the kiosk on quay.

  • 昼食に出てきたマグロの刺身。<br /> <br />もちろんダバオの名物ドリアンも出てきます。ドリアンは少し古くなると耐え難い匂いになるのですが、これはとても新鮮で癖になる旨さです。<br /><br /><br /><br />Tuna Sashimi at lunch.<br /> <br />Davao is so famous for Dorian, the king of fruits. This Dorian was so fresh as addictive. <br />



    Tuna Sashimi at lunch.

    Davao is so famous for Dorian, the king of fruits. This Dorian was so fresh as addictive.

  • それにしても彼は滞在中ほぼ休みなくカラオケで歌っていました。何時間も歌い続けて、点数は90点代後半をずっとキープという上手さ!<br /><br /><br />He kept singing Karaoke all the time during the stay. Scores were all close to 100!


    He kept singing Karaoke all the time during the stay. Scores were all close to 100!

  • シーカヤックで島を一周するなどたっぷりと楽しみましたが、午後も遅くなり帰る時間に。写真で船の向こうに見えているのがサマル島になります。<br /><br />午後になってかなり潮も高くなってきました。サマル島に接岸してみると、何と長さ15m程度のコンクリート製の桟橋が水に埋まっている!確かに30㎝程度の沈下なんですが、満潮時の潮位はあらかじめ分かっていてその水位に合わせて設計していないのか?とりあえず踝(くるぶし)まで水に浸かって岸に渡りましたが、アジアのカオス(混沌)をちょっと感じてしまいました。<br /><br /><br /><br />I also sailed round the island by sea kayak and really enjoyed the day off. It was already high time to go back to Samal island which was seen over the channel.<br /><br />It was the time of high tide and we found that the peer of around 15m at Samal island was under water! I was so shocked that I forgot to take a photo. It was a sink of 30 cm but they must have known how deep it would be at the high tide when they designed and constructed the peer! I couldn’t help feeling the chaos is Asia.<br />



    I also sailed round the island by sea kayak and really enjoyed the day off. It was already high time to go back to Samal island which was seen over the channel.

    It was the time of high tide and we found that the peer of around 15m at Samal island was under water! I was so shocked that I forgot to take a photo. It was a sink of 30 cm but they must have known how deep it would be at the high tide when they designed and constructed the peer! I couldn’t help feeling the chaos is Asia.


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