ブルーラグーン周辺旅行記(ブログ) 一覧に戻る

ブルーラグーンと地熱地帯/:地球の荒々しい鼓動/Blue Lagoon and Geothermal: Wild heartbeat of the earth


2017/09/02 - 2017/09/09








  •  朝一でブルーラグーンへ。あらかじめ日本でネット予約していたところ。近年はテレビで何度も紹介されてすっかり有名になったところだけに、時間帯で予約が細かく区切られています。我が家は9:30入場のコマで約8000円/人。大江戸温泉物語の比じゃない!<br /><br /> <br /><br />ここが露天風呂へのエントランス。<br /><br /><br />   We left for Blue Lagoon in early morning. I had booked from Japan beforehand. The place was introduced many times through TV and other medias recently, so booking was made according to each timeslot. We booked the time slot of 9:30. <br /><br /> <br /><br />This is the entrance to outer bath.<br />



    We left for Blue Lagoon in early morning. I had booked from Japan beforehand. The place was introduced many times through TV and other medias recently, so booking was made according to each timeslot. We booked the time slot of 9:30.

    This is the entrance to outer bath.

  • かなり広大に見えるショットを選んでみました。このブルーラグーンは天然に湧いている温泉ではなく、近くにある大型の地熱発電所から出る温水を貯めたもの。しかしこの地域の溶岩の特質からか、溶岩中のシリカが白く溶け出てお湯全体が白濁しています。エントランス近くのスタンドでこのシリカの泥を無料でもらえるため、顔全体に塗っている人が多いですね。<br /><br />I selected the shot which looks quite huge. The Blue Lagoon is not a natural hot spring but by product of Geothermal power plant. The water is white and cloudy as silica is melted from lava rocks. You can take silica mud from the stand of the pool. Many people have white paint on faces.


    I selected the shot which looks quite huge. The Blue Lagoon is not a natural hot spring but by product of Geothermal power plant. The water is white and cloudy as silica is melted from lava rocks. You can take silica mud from the stand of the pool. Many people have white paint on faces.

  • 温泉の中にあるバー。しっかりとビールをもらいました。会計は受付でもらったリストバンドで行い、退出時に清算します。<br /><br />This is a bar in the pool where we had beer from the tap. Payment is made by wrist band and settlement is done at the exit.


    This is a bar in the pool where we had beer from the tap. Payment is made by wrist band and settlement is done at the exit.

  • <br />カフェで売っていたお寿司パック。この内容で2,100ISK、約2,200円!<br /><br />This is Sushi package sold at Caf&amp;eacute;. It cost 2,100ISK!


    This is Sushi package sold at Caf&eacute;. It cost 2,100ISK!

  • どういうわけだかこんな日本酒まで売ってました。<br /><br /><br />They sold such a small bottle of Sake, too.


    They sold such a small bottle of Sake, too.

  • ブルーラグーンを出てから近くの地熱地帯に足を延ばしました。地球の荒々しい鼓動が聞こえてくる場所です。<br /><br /> ここで荒々しく噴き上がる蒸気の動画も撮ったのですが、このサイトでは動画貼付ができませんので、ご興味のある方は小生のBlogにおいでください(edamann.net)。<br /><br />日本で言うところの「地獄谷」のようなところ。激しく蒸気の噴き出る向う側には火力発電所も見えます。アイスランドでは必要な電力の3割を地熱発電で賄えており、残りの7割が水力発電ですから、100%が再生可能エネルギーで賄えているわけです。アイスランドと同じように火山国で、起伏に富んだ地形の日本でも十分に可能なプランなのではないかとも思えるのですが・・・。しかし日本の地熱地帯は温泉地としては有名でも、そのほとんどが国立公園に指定されており、発電所の建設が難しいという話。ただそれはあくまで法律論のなかの話で、管轄の役所を横断するプロジェクトを立ち上げて実現に漕ぎつけることは可能だと思います。日本では自然の厳しさよりも、陋習的な“前例主義”の厳しさの方が勝っているように感じます。<br /><br /><br /><br />After the Blue Lagoon, we set for Geothermal area nearby. This is the place where you can feel the wild heartbeat of the earth.<br /><br />I also shot the movie of wild steam from the ground. Unfortunately movie is not available at this web site. Please visit my Blog (edamann.net) then you can see the wild breathe of the erath.<br /><br /> <br /><br />In Japan, the area like this is called “Jigoku-dani(Valley of hell)”. Behind the violent steam, you can find Geothermal plant. In Iceland, 30% of electricity is generated from Geothermal power plant and the rest of 70% is generated by hydro power plants. That means 100% of electricity is created by renewable energy. Then what about Japan? Japan is also “volcano nation” and its richness in ups and downs of the land enables rich hydro power generation. People say that most of Japanese Geothermal areas are famous for hot spring resorts and are designated as national parks which makes difficult to build power plants. However most of these are disputes of legal theory. Once inter-government offices project is established, we can surely find the solution, I believe. In Japan, conventional “precedent principle” is stronger than severity of wild nature, I felt.<br />




    After the Blue Lagoon, we set for Geothermal area nearby. This is the place where you can feel the wild heartbeat of the earth.

    I also shot the movie of wild steam from the ground. Unfortunately movie is not available at this web site. Please visit my Blog (edamann.net) then you can see the wild breathe of the erath.

    In Japan, the area like this is called “Jigoku-dani(Valley of hell)”. Behind the violent steam, you can find Geothermal plant. In Iceland, 30% of electricity is generated from Geothermal power plant and the rest of 70% is generated by hydro power plants. That means 100% of electricity is created by renewable energy. Then what about Japan? Japan is also “volcano nation” and its richness in ups and downs of the land enables rich hydro power generation. People say that most of Japanese Geothermal areas are famous for hot spring resorts and are designated as national parks which makes difficult to build power plants. However most of these are disputes of legal theory. Once inter-government offices project is established, we can surely find the solution, I believe. In Japan, conventional “precedent principle” is stronger than severity of wild nature, I felt.




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