十日町・津南旅行記(ブログ) 一覧に戻る
 2月15日(金)から第70回十日町雪祭りが始まりました。毎年我が家が楽しみにしているお祭り、そのメインイベントは街外れのイベントスペースに巨大な雪と氷のステージを組み上げて行うショー。下の写真は一昨年のステージ、かなりのスケールです。ここで入場無料のパフォーマンスが繰り広げられます。昨年の記事はこちら<br /><br />http://edamann.net/2018/01/19/%e5%9b%9b%e5%ad%a3%e3%82%92%e9%80%9a%e3%81%97%e3%81%a6%e6%a5%bd%e3%81%97%e3%82%80%e6%b9%af%e6%b2%a2%ef%bc%9c%e5%86%ac%e3%81%ae%e3%82%a4%e3%83%99%e3%83%b3%e3%83%88%e7%b7%a8%ef%bc%9e%e3%80%80enjoying-e/<br /><br />ところが今年は・・・

四季を通して楽しむ湯沢<十日町雪祭り2019>/Enjoying Echigo Yuzawa through a year<Tokamachi Snow Festival 2019>


2019/02/16 - 2019/02/16










  • ところが今年はこのステージの建設中に不祥事がありました。巨大な火焔型縄文式土器を雪で作成していたのですが、気温が上昇する中で雪塊が崩れて作業員2名が下敷きになりそのうち1名が死亡するという事故が起こりました。この影響で祭りのメインイベントだった今年の雪上ステージパフォーマンスは中止という結果となりました。<br /><br />However there was an unexpected accident this year. During the construction of the stage, giant snow sculpture caused avalanche to workers and one of them died after this. Due to this unhappy accident, the stage performance on snow stage was cancelled this year.


    However there was an unexpected accident this year. During the construction of the stage, giant snow sculpture caused avalanche to workers and one of them died after this. Due to this unhappy accident, the stage performance on snow stage was cancelled this year.

  • 十日町エリアに点在する雪像の群れ<br /><br /> 雪上ステージは中止になりましたが、祭りのもうひとつ目玉、雪像展示は予定通りに実施されました。広大な十日町エリアに各地域のグループが建造した雪像が並びます。<br /><br /> <br />「十日町市長賞」を受賞した「燦 SUN」。日数は13日間、延べ人数174人で制作したものだそうです。<br /><br /><br />Herd of Snow sculptures scattered in whole Tokamachi area<br /> <br />    Although the snow stage performance is cancelled, Snow sculptures exhibition, another big event of the festival, took place as scheduled. In broad area of Tokamachi, 60 giant snow sculptures built by local town people are installed here and there.<br /><br /> <br />This is “SUN” which is awarded “Tokamachi Mayor Prize”. It was built in 13 days by 174 people (cumulative).<br />



    「十日町市長賞」を受賞した「燦 SUN」。日数は13日間、延べ人数174人で制作したものだそうです。

    Herd of Snow sculptures scattered in whole Tokamachi area

    Although the snow stage performance is cancelled, Snow sculptures exhibition, another big event of the festival, took place as scheduled. In broad area of Tokamachi, 60 giant snow sculptures built by local town people are installed here and there.

    This is “SUN” which is awarded “Tokamachi Mayor Prize”. It was built in 13 days by 174 people (cumulative).

  • こちらは「新潟県知事賞」を受賞した「王家二千年の夢 ~風の谷の物語~」。前評判も高くかなりの数の観光客が集まっていました。製作日数は10日間。<br /><br />This is “Royal Dream of 2000 years- a tale of wind valley” which is awarded “Niigata prefecture Governor Prize”. Many people gathered there as the work had been much-ballyhooed. Its building took 10 days.

    こちらは「新潟県知事賞」を受賞した「王家二千年の夢 ~風の谷の物語~」。前評判も高くかなりの数の観光客が集まっていました。製作日数は10日間。

    This is “Royal Dream of 2000 years- a tale of wind valley” which is awarded “Niigata prefecture Governor Prize”. Many people gathered there as the work had been much-ballyhooed. Its building took 10 days.

  • これは当地の建設会社南雲土建さんが出品した「AIのカタチ」、大きなハートの中に鍵穴のような穴が開いていて、その穴から背後に立つ人形の姿が見えます。<br /><br />This is “Shape of Love” by Nagumo Doken, local construction firm. Something like keyhole is found in big heart sculpture and you can see dolls of boy and girl from the keyhole.


    This is “Shape of Love” by Nagumo Doken, local construction firm. Something like keyhole is found in big heart sculpture and you can see dolls of boy and girl from the keyhole.

  • これは「着物の十日町」。江戸時代から十日町を支えてきた織物業をモチーフにしたもの。<br /><br />This is “Tokamachi of Kimono”. Kimono, textile trade, has sustained this town since many hundred years ago.


    This is “Tokamachi of Kimono”. Kimono, textile trade, has sustained this town since many hundred years ago.

  • 上左から順に「大地のおくりもの」、「災い転じて福となす(力士は恐らく稀勢の里?)」、「ナ・ナ・ツ・ガマ」、「大きくなあれ!」。<br /> これ以外にも合計で60点もの雪像が期間中展示されます。やはり巨大雪像で全国的に有名な札幌雪祭りと違うところは、札幌のように自衛隊の力を借りて雪像のプロたちが設営するのとは違って、十日町雪祭りではあくまで町内の有志グループが力を合わせて年に一度の祭りに向けて創り上げる素朴な雪像が魅力です。<br /><br />From upper left, “Gift from the earth”, “To turn misfortune into fortune”, “Nanatsugama”, and “Grow big!”.<br /><br />Except those 60 snow works are prohibited in the town during the festival. Sapporo Snow festival is quite famous nationwide and very well known globally nowadays. Giant snow sculptures at this festival are made by professional people aided by Self-Defense Forces. But groups of local people of the town are involved with buildings of sculptures at Tokamachi Snow Festival. That is the biggest difference and the attractiveness of the festival.<br />


    From upper left, “Gift from the earth”, “To turn misfortune into fortune”, “Nanatsugama”, and “Grow big!”.

    Except those 60 snow works are prohibited in the town during the festival. Sapporo Snow festival is quite famous nationwide and very well known globally nowadays. Giant snow sculptures at this festival are made by professional people aided by Self-Defense Forces. But groups of local people of the town are involved with buildings of sculptures at Tokamachi Snow Festival. That is the biggest difference and the attractiveness of the festival.


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