ミンダナオ島旅行記(ブログ) 一覧に戻る

フィリピン遠征③ダバオあれこれ/Philippines Expedition③Davao miscellaneous


2017/09/16 - 2017/09/25








  • ①	一番お世話になったもの!<br /><br /><br /><br /> 何と言っても、このビール『San Miguel(サン・ミゲル)』!正味9日間の滞在中に一体何十本飲んだことか!(多分100本には達してないと思います・・・)猛暑の中で稽古を終えてまずやることは、アイスペールに氷とこのサン・ミゲルのボトルをぶち込み浴びるように皆で飲みました。サン・ミゲルは日本でも飲んだことがありますが、その時はさほど印象には残らなかった。しかしここフィリピンの地で飲むサン・ミゲルは格別!やはり酒は長年愛され、飲まれ続けてきた地で、ローカルフードとともに楽しむのが最高です。道場生の中にはサン・ミゲルの社員もいましたが、彼の会社の製品に心から感謝!<br /><br /><br />①	What did we owe most?<br /><br /> <br />Yes, this beer “San Miguel” has been our best friend during the stay in Davao! We had stayed 9 days and I don’t know how many bottles I emptied (maybe less than 100…). After trainings in tropical heat, the first thing we do was always to prepare ice pale with full of ice cubes and San Miguel bottles. In Japanese we express “drink like whales”. I had already tried San Miguel beer in Japan and it was not very impressive. However it tastes the best at local place with local foods. You have to enjoy Beer at local place where it is grown and loved for the long time. There was an employee of San Miguel company among our Aikido students. We all say thanks to the product of his company!<br />

    ① 一番お世話になったもの!

     何と言っても、このビール『San Miguel(サン・ミゲル)』!正味9日間の滞在中に一体何十本飲んだことか!(多分100本には達してないと思います・・・)猛暑の中で稽古を終えてまずやることは、アイスペールに氷とこのサン・ミゲルのボトルをぶち込み浴びるように皆で飲みました。サン・ミゲルは日本でも飲んだことがありますが、その時はさほど印象には残らなかった。しかしここフィリピンの地で飲むサン・ミゲルは格別!やはり酒は長年愛され、飲まれ続けてきた地で、ローカルフードとともに楽しむのが最高です。道場生の中にはサン・ミゲルの社員もいましたが、彼の会社の製品に心から感謝!

    ① What did we owe most?

    Yes, this beer “San Miguel” has been our best friend during the stay in Davao! We had stayed 9 days and I don’t know how many bottles I emptied (maybe less than 100…). After trainings in tropical heat, the first thing we do was always to prepare ice pale with full of ice cubes and San Miguel bottles. In Japanese we express “drink like whales”. I had already tried San Miguel beer in Japan and it was not very impressive. However it tastes the best at local place with local foods. You have to enjoy Beer at local place where it is grown and loved for the long time. There was an employee of San Miguel company among our Aikido students. We all say thanks to the product of his company!

  • 彼からはこんな木彫りのジョッキも貰いました。“手作り感”が半端ないが、そこがいいですね。<br /><br />He also gave us wooden beer mug. Handmade feeling is very obvious but it looks nice.


    He also gave us wooden beer mug. Handmade feeling is very obvious but it looks nice.

  • ②	送迎に協力してくれた道場生たち<br /><br />いや二番目に持ってきてしまって申し訳ない!我々の滞在中に仕事の合間を縫ってホテルと道場、さらに食事場所まで車で送迎してくれた方々、あなた達がいなかったら我々はあっという間にダバオの路上で“迷える子羊”になっていました。<br /><br /> <br />お世話になった方々のごく一部です。<br /><br /><br />②	Aikido students who helped our pick up<br /><br />I apologize to bring this to second best! People helped our pick up from the Hotel and Dojo (training hall) and other places in tight schedules. Without you we would have become “stray sheep on Davao streets”.<br /><br /> <br />They are just a part of people who helped us.<br />

    ② 送迎に協力してくれた道場生たち



    ② Aikido students who helped our pick up

    I apologize to bring this to second best! People helped our pick up from the Hotel and Dojo (training hall) and other places in tight schedules. Without you we would have become “stray sheep on Davao streets”.

    They are just a part of people who helped us.

  • ③	食生活はハロハロ?<br /><br />ハロハロ(Haluharo)と言うのは、フィリピンの代表的なスイーツ。その語源はタガログ語で“混ぜる”を意味する単語らしい。同時にこのハロハロと言うのはフィリピンの精神のひとつで、いいものは何でも採り入れてしまう心も表しています。もちろん悪い意味に使われることもあって、マニラの街角などで見かける、合気道を名乗るだけのいい加減な道場のことをハロハロと呼んだりもします。<br /><br /><br />実は現地で味わった食生活にもハロハロの精神が活きているらしく、昔ながらの純粋なフィリピン料理と言うものにはお目にかかれませんでした。中華にしても、メキシカンにしても、和食にしても同じ。<br /><br /> <br />シーフード中華を謳うレストランで食べたウナギの炒め物。強烈な見た目ですが、思った以上にあっさりとして美味かった!<br /><br /><br />③	Foods are Haluharo, too?<br /><br />Haluharo is representative sweets in Philippines. It originally means “to mix up” in Tagalog. At the same time this Haluharo represents the spirit of Philippines to accept anything good. <br />    It seemed like food life is also in Haluharo spirit. I couldn’t find purely traditional Philippines food. China, Mexican, Japanese cuisine, they accept anything good from foods abroad.<br /><br /> <br />This is Eel dish in Seafood China. It looks quite powerful blow but it tastes much lighter than it looks like and actually very tasty.<br />

    ③ 食生活はハロハロ?




    ③ Foods are Haluharo, too?

    Haluharo is representative sweets in Philippines. It originally means “to mix up” in Tagalog. At the same time this Haluharo represents the spirit of Philippines to accept anything good.
    It seemed like food life is also in Haluharo spirit. I couldn’t find purely traditional Philippines food. China, Mexican, Japanese cuisine, they accept anything good from foods abroad.

    This is Eel dish in Seafood China. It looks quite powerful blow but it tastes much lighter than it looks like and actually very tasty.

  • 同じ場所で、パイナップルを器にしたチャーハンと、南国の魚の清蒸(ちんじょん)。<br /><br />At the same place, fried rice in pineapple and steamed tropical fish.


    At the same place, fried rice in pineapple and steamed tropical fish.

  • どこに行っても必ずこの小皿は人数分用意されています。柑橘系の小さなフルーツを絞り、小粒の唐辛子を潰して混ぜる。慣れるとけっこう癖になります。<br /><br />This small dish is always served at any place. Squeezing citrus fruits and little red pepper is quite addictive.


    This small dish is always served at any place. Squeezing citrus fruits and little red pepper is quite addictive.

  • セブの空港で待ち時間に食べたパッタイ(タイの焼きそば)。しかし正直に言うと、これは恐ろしく不味かった!<br /><br />This is Pad Thai which I tried in Cebu Airport. But to be very honest this was awful!


    This is Pad Thai which I tried in Cebu Airport. But to be very honest this was awful!

  • ④	交通事情:“混沌の街”<br /><br />実はフィリピンはアジア地域の中でもトップクラスの成長予想がされている国です。人口も増加し、まさに成長の途上にあるだけにダバオでも渋滞は日常茶飯事。だと言うのに、街中では中心部の数か所だけを除いて一切信号がありません。これにはかなり驚きましたが、一体どうやってあれだけの数の車が行き交うのか?答えは“行き当たりばったり”、この地独特の呼吸感でお互いにうまく譲り合い(と言うか“割り込みあい”)で交差点ごとに車がぎゅうぎゅうになりながら隙間を見つけて入り込んでいくスタイル。最初は訳が分かりませんでしたが、1週間滞在する間に自分でも何となく割り込みのタイミングが読めるようになりました。<br /> でも実際に目の前で交通事故も目撃しました。現場は片側1車線の舗装路、高校生くらいの若者がよそ見をしながらフラフラと道を横断、そこに時速20Km程度の小型バイクが衝突してお互いに路上に転倒!日本であればバイク側の人身事故、ドイツであれば安全確認せずに横断を始めた歩行者側の過失100%、といったところですが、短く罵りあった後で双方ともその場を立ち去ってしまいました。えっ、本当にそれでいいのか?交通事故の傷は翌日になってから痛くなるんだぞ、この場で警察を呼んで記録を残しておかなくていいのか?と、規則に従順な日本人としては感じざるを得ませんが、これがフィリピンの常識と言うものでしょう。驚きは禁じえませんが、現地には現地のスタイルがあります。<br /><br /> <br />ひょっとしたらこれもダバオのカオスのひとつでしょうか。稽古場の複合施設の隣の敷地を写したもの。でもダバオは依然として成長の途上であり、来年来る頃には無くなっている光景かもしれません。<br /><br /><br />④	Traffic conditions:“Town of Chaos”<br /><br />Philippines is one of the best growth country in Asian region. Population is growing and in Davao city traffic jam is just everyday scene. Nevertheless traffic signals are equipped only in a couple of places in city center. It was very surprising. How can they turn or go into intersections? The answer is “hit-or-miss”. They gave ways (or interrupting) each other at their original timings. It had never made sense to me in the beginning but during 1 week stay I came to find the timing to sneak in. <br />I also witnessed the actual accident. The accident scene was one lane pavement road. A young guy wandered to cross the road while looking away and small motorcycle crashed him around at 20km. Both tumbled down to the ground. If it were in Japan Motorcycle driver would be mainly responsible and in Germany the pedestrian is 100% responsible. But after abusing each other they left the place. What? Is it right for you? Injure at traffic accident starts hurt at next day! Why don’t you leave the record with policeman? We Japanese are obedient with rules and I couldn’t help wondering but this might be the standard in Philippines.<br /><br /><br /> <br />This might be one of Chaos in Davao. These houses are built just next to complex facility of Dojo. But Davao is still in the process of rapid growth. Next year this place could look like totally different.<br />

    ④ 交通事情:“混沌の街”



    ④ Traffic conditions:“Town of Chaos”

    Philippines is one of the best growth country in Asian region. Population is growing and in Davao city traffic jam is just everyday scene. Nevertheless traffic signals are equipped only in a couple of places in city center. It was very surprising. How can they turn or go into intersections? The answer is “hit-or-miss”. They gave ways (or interrupting) each other at their original timings. It had never made sense to me in the beginning but during 1 week stay I came to find the timing to sneak in.
    I also witnessed the actual accident. The accident scene was one lane pavement road. A young guy wandered to cross the road while looking away and small motorcycle crashed him around at 20km. Both tumbled down to the ground. If it were in Japan Motorcycle driver would be mainly responsible and in Germany the pedestrian is 100% responsible. But after abusing each other they left the place. What? Is it right for you? Injure at traffic accident starts hurt at next day! Why don’t you leave the record with policeman? We Japanese are obedient with rules and I couldn’t help wondering but this might be the standard in Philippines.

    This might be one of Chaos in Davao. These houses are built just next to complex facility of Dojo. But Davao is still in the process of rapid growth. Next year this place could look like totally different.

  • ⑤	戒厳令下のダバオ<br /><br />出発前には警戒していたミンダナオ島全域に敷かれた戒厳令でしたが、ダバオの街中にいる限りほとんど緊迫感はありませんでした。夜間の外出も規制されることなく、警察の装甲車もよく見かけましたが、緊張したムードはほぼありませんでした。やはりダバオ市に関しては治安がしっかりとしてます。<br /><br /> <br />ホテルの窓から見下ろした屋台街。夜になるとにぎわいますが、ちょうど1年前にこの屋台街でイスラム過激派の爆弾が破裂して犠牲者も出しています。<br /><br /><br />⑤	Davao under Martial Law<br /><br />Even though I had been cautious with Martial Law proclaimed all over the island, I couldn’t find any sense of urgency. Wandering at night was not regulated and the city was not in tense atmosphere though I saw armored vehicle of the police often. Davao city was very well secured.<br /><br /> <br />Night markets of the city. I took this shot from the hotel window. Just 1 year before there was bombing terrorism by Islamic radicals at this market.<br />

    ⑤ 戒厳令下のダバオ



    ⑤ Davao under Martial Law

    Even though I had been cautious with Martial Law proclaimed all over the island, I couldn’t find any sense of urgency. Wandering at night was not regulated and the city was not in tense atmosphere though I saw armored vehicle of the police often. Davao city was very well secured.

    Night markets of the city. I took this shot from the hotel window. Just 1 year before there was bombing terrorism by Islamic radicals at this market.

  • 同じくホテルの窓から遠景をとらえました。海の向こうに見えるのはサマル島。<br /><br />This is the distant shot from the window. Over the ocean is Samal island.


    This is the distant shot from the window. Over the ocean is Samal island.

  • 島では内紛が絶えませんが悠久の自然は変わらずそこにあります。ホテルのエレベーターホールから捉えたフィリピン最高峰のアポ山(2,954m)。<br /><br />Even in the time of strife, eternal nature is always there. The shot is Mount Apo, the highest peak in Philippines(2,954m)


    Even in the time of strife, eternal nature is always there. The shot is Mount Apo, the highest peak in Philippines(2,954m)

  • 同じアポ山をホテルのプールから撮ってみました。<br /><br />生れて初めてのフィリピン1週間の旅でしたが、ほぼ稽古とビールで終わってしまいました。初めての土地で出会ったフィリピンの人々は楽しい方ばかりで、これが最大の収穫でした。独特のアジアのカオスに困惑しながらも、これこそがフィリピンが経験している成長の副産物でしょう。来年再訪する時にかの地がどのように変化を見せているのか、今から楽しみです。<br /><br /><br />This is Mt. Apo over the hotel swimming pool.<br /><br />The 1 week trip was my first Philippines and it has last only trainings and beers. All people whom I met in the country were nice and funny. It was the biggest discovery of my trip. I am looking forward to seeing how it will change when I visit there again next year.<br />



    This is Mt. Apo over the hotel swimming pool.

    The 1 week trip was my first Philippines and it has last only trainings and beers. All people whom I met in the country were nice and funny. It was the biggest discovery of my trip. I am looking forward to seeing how it will change when I visit there again next year.


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