レイキャビク旅行記(ブログ) 一覧に戻る

原野の中の都会生活:レイキャビク逍遥/City life in the wilderness: Hanging around in Reykjavik


2017/09/02 - 2017/09/07








  • 遂に最終日前日!地球のほぼ裏側までやってきたのに、1週間というのはどうにも短い!<br /><br /> とりあえず本日はレイキャビク市内の散策。<br /><br /> <br /><br />ショッピングセンターの中の休憩スペースにて。こうしたさりげない小物に“北欧のセンス”を感じます。<br /><br /><br /><br /> Finally this is one last day in Iceland! One week is too short to stay!<br /><br />Anyway we have hanged around Reykjavik today.<br /><br /> <br /><br />An object in a shopping center. I felt “Nordic sense of art” in such a casual furniture.<br />




     Finally this is one last day in Iceland! One week is too short to stay!

    Anyway we have hanged around Reykjavik today.

    An object in a shopping center. I felt “Nordic sense of art” in such a casual furniture.

  • 同じくショッピングセンターのフードコートに店を出していた地元の寿司チェーン店。中ではブロンドの金髪女性が巻物を握ってました。残念ながら試食はしなかったんですが・・・。<br /><br /><br />Local Sushi bar chain in the same shopping center. Inside the bar, a local lady was cooking sushi roll. I didn’t try that unfortunately.


    Local Sushi bar chain in the same shopping center. Inside the bar, a local lady was cooking sushi roll. I didn’t try that unfortunately.

  • 街の中央に位置する公園にあった現代アート。ひょっとしたら『重荷を背負う現代のサラリーマン』なんてタイトルかもしれませんが、これは身につまされて辛い!<br /><br /><br />Modern art object in the park of city center. The title might be “An agony of modern employee” but this is painful to see striking a chord of sympathy!


    Modern art object in the park of city center. The title might be “An agony of modern employee” but this is painful to see striking a chord of sympathy!

  • 夕方になって虹が出た!<br /><br />A rainbow appeared in the evening.!


    A rainbow appeared in the evening.!

  • これが街中央の丘の上にそびえるハトルグリムス教会(Hallgrimskirkja)、ヨーロッパの古い町で見られる煉瓦造りではなく、コンクリート製です。今回泊まったAirbnbはこの教会からほんの5分くらいのところにあり、とても便利でした。<br /><br />This is Hallgrimskirkja church located on the hill of city center. This is not build of bricks like European historical chapels but made of concrete. My Airbnb was just a 5 minute walk from this church and very convenient.


    This is Hallgrimskirkja church located on the hill of city center. This is not build of bricks like European historical chapels but made of concrete. My Airbnb was just a 5 minute walk from this church and very convenient.

  • ハトルグリムス教会から伸びる商店街の中にあった身長2mくらいの人形、老婆とお爺さんの裏表で一対らしい。ひょっとしたら北欧神話のドワーフでしょうか。<br /><br /><br />I found them on the shopping street from the church. They were around 2m tall. Are they dwarfs of Nordic mythology?


    I found them on the shopping street from the church. They were around 2m tall. Are they dwarfs of Nordic mythology?

  • その並びに合ったお店。恐らく児童玩具のお店かと・・・。<br /><br /><br />Lovely shop on the street. Maybe the shop of kids toys.


    Lovely shop on the street. Maybe the shop of kids toys.

  • 路地を曲がったところにあったバー。地元ビールの品揃えが充実。サービスアワーにたっぷりとビールを楽しみました。この写真には写っていませんが、バーテンのお兄さんがやたらにいい体格をしていると思ったら、松濤館流空手を稽古しているそうです。いつか日本に行って開祖の故郷である沖縄で稽古するのが夢だそうです。<br /><br /><br />This bar was proud of rich assortment of local beers. We enjoyed a plenty of them in the happy hour. The bartender of the bar looked quite macho. He said he trains Shoutokan Karate and he dreamt to go to Japan someday to train Karate in Okinawa where the founder was born.


    This bar was proud of rich assortment of local beers. We enjoyed a plenty of them in the happy hour. The bartender of the bar looked quite macho. He said he trains Shoutokan Karate and he dreamt to go to Japan someday to train Karate in Okinawa where the founder was born.

  • これまでは節約のためにもっぱら“部屋飯”でしたが、最後の晩くらいは思い出になるものを食べようと、街中のカジュアルなレストラン『Old Iceland』に出かけました。<br /><br /><br />We had “eat at home” for saving in usual days. At the last evening of Iceland, we went to casual restaurant “Old Iceland” to enjoy something for memories.

    これまでは節約のためにもっぱら“部屋飯”でしたが、最後の晩くらいは思い出になるものを食べようと、街中のカジュアルなレストラン『Old Iceland』に出かけました。

    We had “eat at home” for saving in usual days. At the last evening of Iceland, we went to casual restaurant “Old Iceland” to enjoy something for memories.

  • 自分がオーダーしたのが「ラム肉のステーキ」。上の写真です。これがとてつもなく美味かった!ドライブしている時に羊は多く見ましたが、厳しい自然の中で育つ仔羊はこんなに美味くなるのかとちょっとした感動を覚えました。ちなみにこの写真はGoogle mapに投稿してみましたが、ほどなく閲覧回数が100回を超えたと連絡がありました。美味そうに見えますか。レイキャビクに行かれた時には、ぜひお試しを。<br /><br />実はこの前日に、21世紀に入って最大の太陽フレアが発生したとのニュースが入りました。ひょっとしたら諦めていたオーロラが見えるかもしれないと、夜中になってから街をうろつき回ってみましたが、残念ながら最後までそれらしい光は見えませんでした。恐らくあと1日帰国を延ばしていれば見られたかもしれない、と思うと、今回の旅行は何とも天候と環境に恵まれなかったと実感。<br /><br /><br />I tried Lamb steak like above. And it was tremendous choice, so tasty! I had seen a lot of sheep on the wilderness, but I realized lamb became so tasty in severe wild circumstance. Incidentally I posted this photo on Google map and they reported views exceeded 100 times right away. Does it look delicious? Please try once when you visit Reykjavik!<br /><br />On the preceding day, I found the news that the biggest solar flare had occurred in 21st Century. I hanged around outside in the midnight to expect Northern light but I couldn’t see even signs of them. If the departure is just one day later, I could have seen that. This trip was not very lucky in weather and natural conditions.<br />

    自分がオーダーしたのが「ラム肉のステーキ」。上の写真です。これがとてつもなく美味かった!ドライブしている時に羊は多く見ましたが、厳しい自然の中で育つ仔羊はこんなに美味くなるのかとちょっとした感動を覚えました。ちなみにこの写真はGoogle mapに投稿してみましたが、ほどなく閲覧回数が100回を超えたと連絡がありました。美味そうに見えますか。レイキャビクに行かれた時には、ぜひお試しを。


    I tried Lamb steak like above. And it was tremendous choice, so tasty! I had seen a lot of sheep on the wilderness, but I realized lamb became so tasty in severe wild circumstance. Incidentally I posted this photo on Google map and they reported views exceeded 100 times right away. Does it look delicious? Please try once when you visit Reykjavik!

    On the preceding day, I found the news that the biggest solar flare had occurred in 21st Century. I hanged around outside in the midnight to expect Northern light but I couldn’t see even signs of them. If the departure is just one day later, I could have seen that. This trip was not very lucky in weather and natural conditions.

  • いきなりですが、遂に帰国の日。朝早く小雨の中を空港に向かいましたが、出発直前になってこんな具合に晴れ上がりました。この天候が1週間ずれていてくれれば・・・。<br /><br /><br />Then this is the view from the Reykjavik Airport. We left the flat in very early morning in the light rain and shortly before the departure it has become so sunny. I wish this weather conditions had come 1 week earlier….


    Then this is the view from the Reykjavik Airport. We left the flat in very early morning in the light rain and shortly before the departure it has become so sunny. I wish this weather conditions had come 1 week earlier….

  • 経由地ヘルシンキに向けての出発ゲート。初めてのアイスランドよ、さようなら。とうとうこの時が来てしまった。もう一度ここに戻ってくることはあるんだろうか。この地でしか見られないものをたくさん見られたのは事実ですが、やはり1週間のスケジュールでは何となく“ショーウインドーを覗いていた”ような印象は拭えない。次に訪れるときには少なくとも2週間のスケジュールをとって、じっくり回ってみたいと思います。そうなるとサラリーマンのままでは厳しい。いずれ自分で始める事業が軌道に乗って豊かな老後が実現できるまで、楽しみはお預けかな。<br /><br /><br />Boarding gate to Helsinki. Good bye to my first Iceland, finally the time has come! Have I chance to come back here again? It was true that I saw so many things which I can’t see except Iceland but in one week trip I can’t help feeling that I just look into the show windows of curiosity. I need at least 2 weeks schedule to know of this land which is almost impossible for Japanese office workers. Any day I start my own business. If successful, then I hopefully come back to this place again.


    Boarding gate to Helsinki. Good bye to my first Iceland, finally the time has come! Have I chance to come back here again? It was true that I saw so many things which I can’t see except Iceland but in one week trip I can’t help feeling that I just look into the show windows of curiosity. I need at least 2 weeks schedule to know of this land which is almost impossible for Japanese office workers. Any day I start my own business. If successful, then I hopefully come back to this place again.



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