越後湯沢・中里・岩原旅行記(ブログ) 一覧に戻る
We went ski trips 2 times to Yuzawa this year. I am not so good at steep parts (too scared of steepness and height), here is  not so bad. Gentle for beginners. And easy access from Tokyo and not bad snow.

Ski trip in Yuzawa, 2014


2014/02/21 - 2014/02/22






We went ski trips 2 times to Yuzawa this year. I am not so good at steep parts (too scared of steepness and height), here is not so bad. Gentle for beginners. And easy access from Tokyo and not bad snow.


  • There is the Japanese sake shop in the echigo yuzawa station, and before going to the hotel, we stopped by and tasted some Japanese sake. This kind of shop is very good to choose own favorite kind. We enjoyed a lot.

    There is the Japanese sake shop in the echigo yuzawa station, and before going to the hotel, we stopped by and tasted some Japanese sake. This kind of shop is very good to choose own favorite kind. We enjoyed a lot.

  • We could buy 5 coins for sake 1,000yen and give them the small grass. Put a coin in the machine and could get the little shot of sake. Easy system and fun to chose. There were so many choices. This sake (Kiri no To, the tower in the mist) were our favorite and bought its bottle.

    We could buy 5 coins for sake 1,000yen and give them the small grass. Put a coin in the machine and could get the little shot of sake. Easy system and fun to chose. There were so many choices. This sake (Kiri no To, the tower in the mist) were our favorite and bought its bottle.

  • I found the bottle with funny label of Yukiotoko (Snowman, a kind of Yeti), funny and well-designed label. Interesting.

    I found the bottle with funny label of Yukiotoko (Snowman, a kind of Yeti), funny and well-designed label. Interesting.

  • I remembered this kind of hot water springs on the road I saw when I was about ten years old, went to ski for kids camp. I was amazed at that time, because this kind of things had never existed in Zushi!

    I remembered this kind of hot water springs on the road I saw when I was about ten years old, went to ski for kids camp. I was amazed at that time, because this kind of things had never existed in Zushi!

  • We stayed in NASPA New Otani, where was very close to the station and easy to access, even it is New Otani! (I cannot stay in New Otani in Tokyo, so expensive...) Well, in ski season, there were many families with kids, so not the atmosphere as luxury or sophisticated hotel, but still good service and comfortable.

    We stayed in NASPA New Otani, where was very close to the station and easy to access, even it is New Otani! (I cannot stay in New Otani in Tokyo, so expensive...) Well, in ski season, there were many families with kids, so not the atmosphere as luxury or sophisticated hotel, but still good service and comfortable.

  • We really enjoyed skiing!

    We really enjoyed skiing!

  • Less steep and easy course. Skiing with relaxed feeling. I like it.

    Less steep and easy course. Skiing with relaxed feeling. I like it.

  • Nice view of trees with snow.

    Nice view of trees with snow.

  • I bought the new ski wear, Descente. I like this model and color very much. My last wear was one from my university days, with fluffy fur and white tiny pants! I totally prefer it.

    I bought the new ski wear, Descente. I like this model and color very much. My last wear was one from my university days, with fluffy fur and white tiny pants! I totally prefer it.




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