ブラチスラバ旅行記(ブログ) 一覧に戻る
I am in Bratislava now.<br />It has been a long time to travel on the weekend due to recent busy work.<br /><br />I&#39;ve been worked until late night for a month and postponed my travel to Florence on 12th and 13th in order to concentrate on the work. I came to the office on the weekend to finalize work.<br /><br />Although I&#39;ve been visited many countries in Europe for these 2 years after I started to work here, I&#39;ve not forgotten about future trip with my loved one in Europe and I tried to find nice restaurant and spots for the next trip with her and reserved some countries/destination for future trip.<br /><br />Based on this, I chosen Bratislava this time.<br />There are the Ryanair flight on Friday morning from Brussels to here and I decided to come here, though I didn&#39;t expect this city because of information I had gotten via guidebook and internet.<br /><br />I got up 5 am today and came to here 9:30 and surprised its cold temperature, it was -3 degrees in the morning! <br /><br />As I walked around old city for few hours, I thought that the city has not many attractive sightseeing spot as capital of the country, though Donau, castle are good and delicious beer and foods, in particular beer is very good and cheap. <br /><br />Compared to other countries I have ever visited before, the capital is bit boring and its atmosphere is calm and slow even the city is the capital. However I can be relaxed to walk around the city and ate delicious foods. So I think it is enough to stay here 2 days at max. I can go to Vienna from here by bus or train for 1 hour, however I will stay here and to be relax tomorrow. Well Vienna is one of the country and/or city which I reserved for future destination.<br /><br />Anyway, Slovakia had been existing as Czechoslovakia until 1993.<br />In 1993, the country split into Slovakia and Czech due to different languages, history and etc.<br />I thought that how bout Belgium ?<br /><br />You might be surprised that Belgium has not any legal government over 250 days and its record has just renewed the one of Iraq.<br /><br />25.2.2011 Bratislava, Daisaku<br />---------<br /><br />Reading, traveling, drinking beer after work, chatting with friends and loved one are typical my favorite time. And one of such favorite time, I like the time to read a book, write a blog what I think at the hotel during traveling.<br /><br />Now is the time.<br /><br />After sightseeing from 9:30 to 14:00 under blue sky, I went back to the hotel and talked via Skype with my loved one and went outside to eat delicious dinner and wine! Slovakia is famous for its delicious wine. Overall Slovakian foods are very delicious and cheaper than other western European countries.<br /><br />And I am being relaxed now.<br />I had read &quot;Sarajevo Marlboro&quot; and decided to write what I am thinking now.<br /><br />What I can enjoy this travel and live a life with smile is thanks to colleagues, family, friends and loved one. I want to convey my appreciation to my colleagues at here and in Japan. Indeed, I think it&#39;s very lucky to work with many respectful colleagues. And I want to convey my appreciation to my family, friends and loved one. I can be smile when I talk with you and hear your voice. I am able to have a nice time during traveling thanks to your presence.<br /><br />Recent technological development such as cell phone, Skype and Facebook has been enabled us to connect all over the world at cheaper price or free and thanks to them, I can contact with my friends and loved one. <br /><br />On the other hands, the technology also enables current anti-government demonstration in North Africa and Middle East. It has been broadcasting the news most time on the TV for a month, and on the radio and newspaper here. I think Youtube and short news movie on news site HP are very useful. I&#39;ve been watched not only such news but also Q&amp;A of the House of Representatives Budget Committee 2011 on Youtube.<br /><br />More and more, I think it will become more important to select the news from such source to some extent because news on the television and newspapers are more or less restricted and controlled due to sponsor as you know. Only NHK had been considered to broadcast without such restriction and control.. <br /><br />I read the news on the web that some lawmakers released proposal to broadcast debate among party leaders on golden time, let&#39;s say from 20:00, in stead of current 15:00.<br />I agree with this proposal and NHK should broadcast such important debate on golden time in order to be watched by many people who have right to vote.<br /><br />Often getting off the track.<br /><br />Anyway, we Japanese need serious consideration about our politics, international situation in terms of how to revamp Japan. Also I think that it&#39;s very useful to watch carefully past Q&amp;A and speech of the candidates before voting.<br /><br />26.2.2011 Bratislava, Daisaku<br /><br />---------<br /><br />久しぶりの一人旅になった。<br /><br />といっても1ヶ月振りの週末旅行なわけで、たったの1ヶ月で久し振りと思うくらい旅行する週末を過ごしてきたことに改めて驚く自分がいる。<br /><br />この久しぶりの旅行、忙しい仕事を片付けた後だったのもあって一段とリフレッシュできた。<br /><br />週末を使って旅行はしているけれども、軸は当然ながら日々の仕事にあって、週末はその延長線上にある。日々の仕事をしっかりやってこそ、楽しめるものだと思っている。<br /><br />今回も2月上旬に金曜朝発フィレンツェ行日曜日夜ブリュッセル着の往復格安航空チケットを取っていたのだけども、仕事の関係で旅行一週間前に金曜夜発フィレンツェ行き片道格安チケットを”保険”に購入することになり、結局、休日出勤することになり行けなくなった。<br /><br />そのように1ヶ月続いた忙しい仕事だったけれども、満足感も感じていた。<br />”仕事が忙しいうちが華”とはよく言い当てたもので、忙しい仕事、いくつもやる仕事があるというのは恵まれてもいるのだと思う。<br /><br />もちろん、ずっとそんなに忙しかったならば話は別なのはご承知の通り。<br />ここ1ヶ月ちょっと8時9時前に帰ることがなく、京浜時代は1年くらいそんな生活をしていたなと思い出してしまった。あのときは休日も毎週出社していたし、休みが1日もなかった月もあるくらい仕事をした。<br /><br />そんなことを思い出しては、仕事に励んでいて、でも周りには誰も残っている人がいなくて(違う課、幹部の日本人は仕事をされているが)、日本で働いていたフランス人に”ここは日本じゃないよ。遅く迄やれば効率落ちるし、遅く迄残らないようにね”なんて帰りがけに声をかけられる。<br /><br />でもでも、そうした時間はすごく充実した時間だった。<br />やっぱり、忙しいうちが華。<br />一生懸命仕事できるのは恵まれていると思う。<br /><br />それをサポートしてくださる方も多くいる。<br /><br />だけれども、仕事の後は旅行で気分転換したい。<br />ということで、今回は金曜日に有給休暇をもらい、ブラチスラバへやってきた。<br /><br />一国の首都なのかというくらい、コンパクトにまとまり穏やかな街だった。人々もそれほど多くいなく、旅行者がごったがえしてもいない。<br />かといって、料理、ビールはうまく、とにかく安い。<br />そして地元の人や旧市街の観光客相手の方はみな親切だった。<br /><br />スロバキア国立美術館へ行った際、朝早く行ったのもあるかもしれないが、館内は自分一人。学校の廊下のような細い通りに、美術館職員のおばちゃんが座っており、近づくと、席を立ち、案内をしてくれる。<br /><br />旧共産主義時代の名残ですっごく接客がうまいというわけでないし、笑顔もたまに出るという感じだけれども、親切な気持ちが伝わってきて、良い時間を過ごせた。<br /><br />一人旅する気楽さ、ご飯の時や観光時に感じる”あの人と一緒にきたいな”という気持ち、食後にホテルのベッドで本を読んだりネットをしたりするときの時間、そして明日のプランを練る時間。<br /><br />そのすべてを含めた旅行、久しぶりの一人旅を満喫してきた。<br /><br />冒頭、仕事が軸であってと書いたけれども、それは週末を、人生を楽しむための軸であって、何が楽しみで仕事しているかというとそれは結局こういう時間があるからだろうとも思う。<br /><br />仕事も旅行もすべて、この欧州滞在時間を有意義に過ごしたい。<br /><br />27.2.2011 ブリュッセルにて ダイサク<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

Highlight Vol.29 ~ 小さな首都ブラチスラバでリフレッシュ~


2011/02/25 - 2011/02/27






I am in Bratislava now.
It has been a long time to travel on the weekend due to recent busy work.

I've been worked until late night for a month and postponed my travel to Florence on 12th and 13th in order to concentrate on the work. I came to the office on the weekend to finalize work.

Although I've been visited many countries in Europe for these 2 years after I started to work here, I've not forgotten about future trip with my loved one in Europe and I tried to find nice restaurant and spots for the next trip with her and reserved some countries/destination for future trip.

Based on this, I chosen Bratislava this time.
There are the Ryanair flight on Friday morning from Brussels to here and I decided to come here, though I didn't expect this city because of information I had gotten via guidebook and internet.

I got up 5 am today and came to here 9:30 and surprised its cold temperature, it was -3 degrees in the morning!

As I walked around old city for few hours, I thought that the city has not many attractive sightseeing spot as capital of the country, though Donau, castle are good and delicious beer and foods, in particular beer is very good and cheap.

Compared to other countries I have ever visited before, the capital is bit boring and its atmosphere is calm and slow even the city is the capital. However I can be relaxed to walk around the city and ate delicious foods. So I think it is enough to stay here 2 days at max. I can go to Vienna from here by bus or train for 1 hour, however I will stay here and to be relax tomorrow. Well Vienna is one of the country and/or city which I reserved for future destination.

Anyway, Slovakia had been existing as Czechoslovakia until 1993.
In 1993, the country split into Slovakia and Czech due to different languages, history and etc.
I thought that how bout Belgium ?

You might be surprised that Belgium has not any legal government over 250 days and its record has just renewed the one of Iraq.

25.2.2011 Bratislava, Daisaku

Reading, traveling, drinking beer after work, chatting with friends and loved one are typical my favorite time. And one of such favorite time, I like the time to read a book, write a blog what I think at the hotel during traveling.

Now is the time.

After sightseeing from 9:30 to 14:00 under blue sky, I went back to the hotel and talked via Skype with my loved one and went outside to eat delicious dinner and wine! Slovakia is famous for its delicious wine. Overall Slovakian foods are very delicious and cheaper than other western European countries.

And I am being relaxed now.
I had read "Sarajevo Marlboro" and decided to write what I am thinking now.

What I can enjoy this travel and live a life with smile is thanks to colleagues, family, friends and loved one. I want to convey my appreciation to my colleagues at here and in Japan. Indeed, I think it's very lucky to work with many respectful colleagues. And I want to convey my appreciation to my family, friends and loved one. I can be smile when I talk with you and hear your voice. I am able to have a nice time during traveling thanks to your presence.

Recent technological development such as cell phone, Skype and Facebook has been enabled us to connect all over the world at cheaper price or free and thanks to them, I can contact with my friends and loved one.

On the other hands, the technology also enables current anti-government demonstration in North Africa and Middle East. It has been broadcasting the news most time on the TV for a month, and on the radio and newspaper here. I think Youtube and short news movie on news site HP are very useful. I've been watched not only such news but also Q&A of the House of Representatives Budget Committee 2011 on Youtube.

More and more, I think it will become more important to select the news from such source to some extent because news on the television and newspapers are more or less restricted and controlled due to sponsor as you know. Only NHK had been considered to broadcast without such restriction and control..

I read the news on the web that some lawmakers released proposal to broadcast debate among party leaders on golden time, let's say from 20:00, in stead of current 15:00.
I agree with this proposal and NHK should broadcast such important debate on golden time in order to be watched by many people who have right to vote.

Often getting off the track.

Anyway, we Japanese need serious consideration about our politics, international situation in terms of how to revamp Japan. Also I think that it's very useful to watch carefully past Q&A and speech of the candidates before voting.

26.2.2011 Bratislava, Daisaku




















27.2.2011 ブリュッセルにて ダイサク





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この旅行記へのコメント (2)



  • ティホブノさん 2011/02/28 06:03:52
    its still lousy english to show off with your level, but good try.

     it sounds a little stiff or robotic, you take good pictures though.


    ダイサクさん からの返信 2011/02/28 06:30:37







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