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越後湯沢拠点旅 冬の湯沢extra/Yuzawa in winter, extra


2018/02/10 - 2018/02/12








  • 雪の松之山温泉<br /><br /> 2月の3連休でふらりと越後湯沢に来ております。着いた初日はまだ寒波真っただ中で、まずは体を温めようと温泉を目指します。湯沢から山を越えた先にある松之山温泉まで車で約40分、実に小さく鄙びた温泉街ですが、実は松之山温泉は草津、有馬温泉と並ぶ「日本3大薬湯」のひとつ。ほかの二つと比べてあまりに小さいので驚きますが、そのお湯の“濃さ”はぜひ味わうべきものがあります。源泉の温度は90℃、さらに強烈な硫化水素の匂いからして、地中からのパワーがほとばしるのを感じることができる温泉です。<br /><br /><br />Matsunoyama Hot spring in heavy snow<br /><br />    I happen to be in Echigo Yuzawa in long weekend in February. The first day was heavy snow day so I headed to Hot spring first. Matsunoyama Hot spring is just across the mountain from Echigo Yuzawa which takes 40 minutes by car. Although it is quite small and rustic Hot spring village, it is the one of 3 major medicated hot spring in Japan as well as Kusatsu, or Arima onsen. Even though Matsunoyama is much smaller than other two, the natural spring is so “thick” at the temperature of 90℃ and the strong smell of hydrogen sulfide makes you feel the power from underground of the earth.<br />



    Matsunoyama Hot spring in heavy snow

    I happen to be in Echigo Yuzawa in long weekend in February. The first day was heavy snow day so I headed to Hot spring first. Matsunoyama Hot spring is just across the mountain from Echigo Yuzawa which takes 40 minutes by car. Although it is quite small and rustic Hot spring village, it is the one of 3 major medicated hot spring in Japan as well as Kusatsu, or Arima onsen. Even though Matsunoyama is much smaller than other two, the natural spring is so “thick” at the temperature of 90℃ and the strong smell of hydrogen sulfide makes you feel the power from underground of the earth.

  • ここが温泉街の入り口。正直に言って“地味”です。<br /><br /><br />This is the entrance of Hot spring town. It looks just sober.


    This is the entrance of Hot spring town. It looks just sober.

  • 駐車場から延びる温泉街はせいぜい100mくらい。本当に3大薬湯の一つなのかと多少驚きます。<br /><br /><br />Hot spring street is 100m at most. I wonder if this is really one of 3 major medicated springs in Japan.


    Hot spring street is 100m at most. I wonder if this is really one of 3 major medicated springs in Japan.

  • これが大事な源泉。湧出量が豊富なため、お湯は入浴だけでなく屋根の消雪や発電の試みにまで使われています。温泉街が小さいだけに、源泉が持つパワーを思う存分贅沢に味わうことができます。<br /><br /><br />This is the resource of Hot spring. The hot water flowing out is so large that hot spring is used not only for bath but also snow melting pipes or power generations. In small town you can enjoy the blessings of Hot spring as much as you want.


    This is the resource of Hot spring. The hot water flowing out is so large that hot spring is used not only for bath but also snow melting pipes or power generations. In small town you can enjoy the blessings of Hot spring as much as you want.

  • 町営温泉「鷹の湯」更衣室に貼ってあるポスター。松之山温泉の魅力をよく伝えています。ちなみにこの「鷹の湯」は温泉街中央付近にあり川縁の露天風呂もついた「源泉掛け流し」、100%天然温泉ですが入湯料は大人500円!東京に住む身としては信じられないバリューがあります。それにしても温泉浴場内部の写真が撮れないのが残念!せめて公式HPで雰囲気を堪能してください。<br /><br />http://www.matunoyama.net/02_onsen.html<br /><br /><br />This is the poster I found in the dressing room of the public bath “Taka-no-yu”. It describes various attractive aspects of Matsunoyama Hot spring like strong ingredients, extremely high temperature, or heavy snow during winter. The Taka-no-yu is the public bath with outer bath along the river and spring is 100% natural. The admission fee is \500! It is so valuable for Tokyo people like me. It is so shame that I can’t take pictures in the bath! Please confirm its atmosphere at official web site below.<br /><br />http://www.matunoyama.net/02_onsen.html<br />



    This is the poster I found in the dressing room of the public bath “Taka-no-yu”. It describes various attractive aspects of Matsunoyama Hot spring like strong ingredients, extremely high temperature, or heavy snow during winter. The Taka-no-yu is the public bath with outer bath along the river and spring is 100% natural. The admission fee is \500! It is so valuable for Tokyo people like me. It is so shame that I can’t take pictures in the bath! Please confirm its atmosphere at official web site below.


  • ちなみに松之山温泉には温泉街から車で5分ほどのところに「美人林」というブナの原生林があります。冬の間は2m以上の積雪に阻まれて入ることができませんが、春になると写真のように残雪と新緑という美しいコントラストを見せてくれます。<br /><br />ほぼ最高のコンディションでかぐらみつまたスキー場を堪能<br /><br /> かぐらみつまたスキー場は自分のホームゲレンデ。この日は雲一つない快晴に加えて山頂の気温は氷点下10℃以下と雪も締まって最高のパウダースノーに。<br /><br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL0io8kfOM4&amp;feature=youtu.be<br />朝一番のみつまたゲレンデ。頭に付けたウェアラブルカメラの操作をしている間2人ほどに抜かれてしまいましたが、ほぼゲレンデ一番乗り。<br /><br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNFO755xCgM&amp;feature=youtu.be<br />これがメインのかぐらゲレンデ。スロープよりも眼下に広がるパノラマビューにご注目!<br /><br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDvqtMCveOc&amp;feature=youtu.be<br />神楽峰の山頂は標高2,029m、山頂リフトでは標高1,845m地点まで行くことができます。動画はここからのバックカントリー。本当は新雪がふんだんにあるところを独り占めしたいところですが、贅沢は言えない。<br /><br /><br /><br />Just 5 minute drive from Matsunoyama you can find native forest of beech trees called “Bijin Bayashi (The forest of the beauty””. It is blocked by over 2m snow at moment but in spring time you can see the beautiful contrast of remaining snow and fresh green.<br /><br />Kagura Mitsumata ski resorts at almost the best condition<br /><br />Kagura Mitsumata ski resort is my most favorite site. It was so fine without a piece of cloud and the temperature was under -10℃ which makes snow the best powder.<br /><br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL0io8kfOM4&amp;feature=youtu.be<br />This is Mitsumata slope at 8:00AM. <br /><br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNFO755xCgM&amp;feature=youtu.be<br />This is the main slope of Kagura. Take a look on panoramic view!<br /> <br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDvqtMCveOc&amp;feature=youtu.be<br />This is the back country ski from the altitude of 1,845m (the Kagura mountain peak is 2,029m). I wish I had more plenty of fresh snow!<br />







    Just 5 minute drive from Matsunoyama you can find native forest of beech trees called “Bijin Bayashi (The forest of the beauty””. It is blocked by over 2m snow at moment but in spring time you can see the beautiful contrast of remaining snow and fresh green.

    Kagura Mitsumata ski resorts at almost the best condition

    Kagura Mitsumata ski resort is my most favorite site. It was so fine without a piece of cloud and the temperature was under -10℃ which makes snow the best powder.

    This is Mitsumata slope at 8:00AM.

    This is the main slope of Kagura. Take a look on panoramic view!

    This is the back country ski from the altitude of 1,845m (the Kagura mountain peak is 2,029m). I wish I had more plenty of fresh snow!

  • 帰り道の「ぽんしゅ館」にて<br /> 「ぽんしゅ館」は越後湯沢駅構内に設けられた日本酒と新潟名産品のテーマパーク。<br /><br /> <br />このお漬物コーナーはすべてが試食品。たっぷり試食した後は蕎麦茶もいただけます。新潟人の気前の良さはスケールが違います。<br /><br /><br />“Ponsyu-kan” on the back way<br /> <br />“Ponsyu-kan” is the theme park of Sake and local foods of Niigata, which is located in Echigo Yuzawa station.<br /><br /> <br />All of these are free trial of Tsukemono, Japanese pickles. You can also take buckwheat tea after trial, all at free of charge. Niigata people’s giving freely mind is almost the limitless.<br />



    “Ponsyu-kan” on the back way
    “Ponsyu-kan” is the theme park of Sake and local foods of Niigata, which is located in Echigo Yuzawa station.

    All of these are free trial of Tsukemono, Japanese pickles. You can also take buckwheat tea after trial, all at free of charge. Niigata people’s giving freely mind is almost the limitless.

  • ここに並んでいるのはすべて“醤油”!新潟はお酒だけではありません。このほか味噌もふんだんに種類が揃っています。<br /><br /><br />All of these are soy sources! Niigata is not only Sake. You find Miso pastes so much, too.


    All of these are soy sources! Niigata is not only Sake. You find Miso pastes so much, too.

  • ここに並んでいるガラスの瓶は何でしょうか?次に瓶の拡大写真を見てみましょう。<br /><br /><br />Can you imagine what are bottles here? I show you one of them below.


    Can you imagine what are bottles here? I show you one of them below.

  • これは瓶の中に香りをつける様々なスパイスや、出汁のもとになるものを入れて、この中に醤油を注いでオリジナルの「香り醤油」を作るもの。ちなみにこの瓶には唐辛子が入っています。<br /><br />Chili pepper is in this bottle. By fulfilling soy source into the bottle, you can make your original various “flavor soy source”.


    Chili pepper is in this bottle. By fulfilling soy source into the bottle, you can make your original various “flavor soy source”.

  • この方たちは何をしているのか?越後湯沢駅を訪れた方にはもうお馴染み。<br /><br />What are they doing? Maybe you’re familiar with this if you have ever visited Echigo Yuzawa station.


    What are they doing? Maybe you’re familiar with this if you have ever visited Echigo Yuzawa station.

  • これは新潟産日本酒の利き酒コーナー。新潟県の93の酒蔵のお酒を一堂に集めて、500円で最大5種類の日本酒の試飲ができます。これまでありそうでなかった“リアル体験版お酒のミュージアム”です。<br /><br /><br />This is Sake trial corner. You pay \500 and you can try 5 Sake among 93 Sake distillers in Niigata. Real experience museum of Sake.


    This is Sake trial corner. You pay \500 and you can try 5 Sake among 93 Sake distillers in Niigata. Real experience museum of Sake.

  • 駅前の幟にちょっと驚いたので写真に撮ってしまいました。ビットコインの両替所が湯沢に出来たとは・・・。<br /><br /><br />I took the picture as I was surprised at this banner. Bitcoin exchange in Echigo Yuzawa!


    I took the picture as I was surprised at this banner. Bitcoin exchange in Echigo Yuzawa!


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