越後湯沢・中里・岩原旅行記(ブログ) 一覧に戻る

四季を通して楽しむ湯沢<春の芽吹き>編/Enjoying Echigo Yuzawa through a year <Sprauting in Spring>


2018/04/23 - 2018/04/23








  •  ついこの間まで雪に埋もれていた湯沢中央公園ですが、春になればあっという間に雪解けして桜が咲きます。特に橋のたもとの枝垂れ桜が見事!<br /><br /> <br />これが冬の中央公園。完全に雪に埋もれています。<br /><br />“Enjoying Echigo Yuzawa through a year” series this time offers “Sprouting in Spring” after Winter version. We tend to be dull for changes of seasons when you live in big cities like Tokyo. However place like Yuzawa shows very drastic changes of seasons. Although the park had been buried under snow half month ago, now cherry blossoms start blooming, people enter mountains seeking natural vegetables in spring. In ordinary years Golden Week (long holidays during 29. April and 5. May) is the peak of blooming. But this year spring tends to come earlier than usual. I recommend earlier visit if time is available.<br /><br />Weeping cherry tree in the Yuzawa central park<br /><br />    Even though the central park is buried under snow until March, Spring melts snow right way and Cherry blossoms start blooming along the pond. Weeping cherry tree besides the bridge is so beautiful!<br /><br /> <br />This is the Yuzawa central park in Winter. It is buried under 2m deep snow.<br />



    “Enjoying Echigo Yuzawa through a year” series this time offers “Sprouting in Spring” after Winter version. We tend to be dull for changes of seasons when you live in big cities like Tokyo. However place like Yuzawa shows very drastic changes of seasons. Although the park had been buried under snow half month ago, now cherry blossoms start blooming, people enter mountains seeking natural vegetables in spring. In ordinary years Golden Week (long holidays during 29. April and 5. May) is the peak of blooming. But this year spring tends to come earlier than usual. I recommend earlier visit if time is available.

    Weeping cherry tree in the Yuzawa central park

    Even though the central park is buried under snow until March, Spring melts snow right way and Cherry blossoms start blooming along the pond. Weeping cherry tree besides the bridge is so beautiful!

    This is the Yuzawa central park in Winter. It is buried under 2m deep snow.

  • 雪中の写真にも写っている赤い欄干の橋のたもとにこんなに見事な枝垂れ桜が咲き誇ります。ソメイヨシノも池の周りに植えられており、春の日差しの中で公園は一面の新緑と桜色に染まります。毎年GWの前半が「桜祭り」にあたっていたと覚えていますが、どうも今年はかなり開花が早そうです。<br /><br />Just besides the red bridge in the picture you find amazing weeping cherry trees. Somei Yoshinos, most representative Japanese cherry tree, are planted along the pond as well. The park is illustrated in fresh green and cherry colors in Spring sunshine. “Cherry Festival” usually takes place in the beginning of GW, but full blooming would be earlier this year.<br /><br />Dogtooth violets in Nakazato<br /><br />     It is also within Yuzawa town. There is a colony of Dogtooth violet in the mountain, 15 minute walk from Engel Grandia, a resort condominium. Violet petals look like angel wings. You can enjoy it until the beginning of May.<br /><br />https://www.niigata-kankou.or.jp/sys/data?page-id=12462<br />(Yuzawa Town Website, Japanese only)<br />


    Just besides the red bridge in the picture you find amazing weeping cherry trees. Somei Yoshinos, most representative Japanese cherry tree, are planted along the pond as well. The park is illustrated in fresh green and cherry colors in Spring sunshine. “Cherry Festival” usually takes place in the beginning of GW, but full blooming would be earlier this year.

    Dogtooth violets in Nakazato

    It is also within Yuzawa town. There is a colony of Dogtooth violet in the mountain, 15 minute walk from Engel Grandia, a resort condominium. Violet petals look like angel wings. You can enjoy it until the beginning of May.

    (Yuzawa Town Website, Japanese only)

  • 中里のカタクリ:一面のバイオレット<br /><br /> こちらも湯沢町内、中里のリゾートマンション、エンゼルグランディアから徒歩15分ほどの山の中にカタクリの群生地が開けます。紫色の花弁は天使の羽のよう。季節が早いとは言え、5月上旬までは楽しめると思います。<br /><br />https://www.niigata-kankou.or.jp/sys/data?page-id=12462<br />(湯沢町のHPから)<br /><br /><br /><br />Dogtooth violets in Nakazato<br /><br />     It is also within Yuzawa town. There is a colony of Dogtooth violet in the mountain, 15 minute walk from Engel Grandia, a resort condominium. Violet petals look like angel wings. You can enjoy it until the beginning of May.<br /><br />https://www.niigata-kankou.or.jp/sys/data?page-id=12462<br />(Yuzawa Town Website, Japanese only)<br />




    Dogtooth violets in Nakazato

    It is also within Yuzawa town. There is a colony of Dogtooth violet in the mountain, 15 minute walk from Engel Grandia, a resort condominium. Violet petals look like angel wings. You can enjoy it until the beginning of May.

    (Yuzawa Town Website, Japanese only)

  • 高速道路からも見える一面の芝桜<br /><br /> こちらは車が必要ですが、湯沢から30分ほどで到着できます。関越自動車道の堀之内インターの北側、奥只見レクリエーション都市公園に一面の芝桜が広がります。GWの芝桜と言えば、河口湖の富士芝桜祭り(http://www.shibazakura.jp/)が有名ですが、毎年休暇中は凄まじい渋滞と人混みで有名なところです。こちらは同じくらいのスケールがありながら、およそ渋滞とは無縁のところ。それほど混雑しているところも見たことがありませんので、ゆったりと花を楽しむことができます。<br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br />各ブロックにまだ芽が出たばかりの苗を、それぞれの色の区割りにしたがって植え付けたのでしょう。この面積すべてに苗を植え付けるのは大変な作業だし、色を間違えずに植えるのはさすがに繊細な日本人の作業です。と思ったら・・・。<br /><br /><br />Lawn Cherries as far as eyes can see from the highway<br /><br />    You need a car to visit this place, 30 minutes from Yuzawa Town. In Okutadami Recreation city park just off the Horinouchi interchange of Kanetsu highway, you can see lawn Cherries (Moss phlox) all over the hill. Lawn cherry in GW might remind you the Fuji Lawn cherry festival by Kawaguchiko-lake (http://www.shibazakura.jp/)which is famous for incredible traffic jam and crowds. You can enjoy this lawn cherry without terrible crowds and frustration.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br />Seedlings of each color are planted according to each block color. It is terrific work and extremely careful job to plant by colors. It must have been the work by very diligent Japanese artisans, so I had thought…<br />




    Lawn Cherries as far as eyes can see from the highway

    You need a car to visit this place, 30 minutes from Yuzawa Town. In Okutadami Recreation city park just off the Horinouchi interchange of Kanetsu highway, you can see lawn Cherries (Moss phlox) all over the hill. Lawn cherry in GW might remind you the Fuji Lawn cherry festival by Kawaguchiko-lake (http://www.shibazakura.jp/)which is famous for incredible traffic jam and crowds. You can enjoy this lawn cherry without terrible crowds and frustration.

    Seedlings of each color are planted according to each block color. It is terrific work and extremely careful job to plant by colors. It must have been the work by very diligent Japanese artisans, so I had thought…

  • あっ!間違い見っけ!<br /><br /><br />Oh! Mistaken!


    Oh! Mistaken!

  • 新緑と残雪の共演:松之山の美人林<br /><br /> <br />こちらは湯沢から車で山を越えて1時間程度、日本三大薬湯のひとつ松之山温泉の近くに広がるブナの原生林「美人林」。夏の緑とはまったく違うまさに“新緑”!<br /><br /><br />A complete performance by Fresh Green and remaining snow: Forest in Matsunoyama<br /><br />  <br />This place is Bijinbayashi (meaning a forest of beautiful lady), native forest of beech trees, 1 hour away from Yuzawa beyond a mountain. It is also very near Matsunoyama Spa, one of 3 medicated hot springs in Japan. This is so-called Shinryoku, Fresh green in spring time!<br />



    A complete performance by Fresh Green and remaining snow: Forest in Matsunoyama

    This place is Bijinbayashi (meaning a forest of beautiful lady), native forest of beech trees, 1 hour away from Yuzawa beyond a mountain. It is also very near Matsunoyama Spa, one of 3 medicated hot springs in Japan. This is so-called Shinryoku, Fresh green in spring time!

  • これはある豪雪の年のGWに撮った、新緑と雪の奇跡のコントラスト。GW期間では滅多に撮れる光景ではありませんが、今年もかなりの豪雪だったので、ひょっとしたら?<br /><br /><br />This is a GW shot after great snow winter. Miracle contrast of snow and fresh green! It is a very rare scene in GW but this year was quite heavy snow. Maybe you can see this again? You never know.


    This is a GW shot after great snow winter. Miracle contrast of snow and fresh green! It is a very rare scene in GW but this year was quite heavy snow. Maybe you can see this again? You never know.


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