元箱根・芦ノ湖周辺旅行記(ブログ) 一覧に戻る
I was from Kanagawa and have been to Hakone many times. I went to around Ashino-ko and Ooakudani this time.

A weekend trip to Hakone, 2011


2011/09/24 - 2011/09/25






I was from Kanagawa and have been to Hakone many times. I went to around Ashino-ko and Ooakudani this time.



  • I did not have a car at that time, and went there by train. I bought a discount ticket including train ride from Shinjuku to Hakone, and arrived at Gora station by Hakone Tozan Railway.

    I did not have a car at that time, and went there by train. I bought a discount ticket including train ride from Shinjuku to Hakone, and arrived at Gora station by Hakone Tozan Railway.

  • From Gora, I took the cable car to go to Souunzan.

    From Gora, I took the cable car to go to Souunzan.

  • I could see the Kanji letter "大" , it was burnt and lighted up in summer festival.

    I could see the Kanji letter "大" , it was burnt and lighted up in summer festival.

  • I took the ropeway to go to 大涌谷(Oowakudani).

    I took the ropeway to go to 大涌谷(Oowakudani).

  • I could see Mt. Fuji.

    I could see Mt. Fuji.

  • Owakudani is a volcanic valley. There was an eruption in the last June and the tourist currently cannot enter this area...

    Owakudani is a volcanic valley. There was an eruption in the last June and the tourist currently cannot enter this area...

  • Sulfar smell filled this area.

    Sulfar smell filled this area.

  • I went to 芦ノ湖 (Lake Ashi) and took a ship to go to the other bank.

    I went to 芦ノ湖 (Lake Ashi) and took a ship to go to the other bank.

  • More than 15 years ago, I came Lake Ashi with my parents. We took the motor boat. I remembered it was so fast. Not those swan boats:)

    More than 15 years ago, I came Lake Ashi with my parents. We took the motor boat. I remembered it was so fast. Not those swan boats:)

  • Stayed at Hakone Hotel, situated by the Lake Ashi. The room was classic style and had high ceiling. I did not know this hotel was the group of Hakone Fujiya Hotel, old and famous hotel in Hakone.

    Stayed at Hakone Hotel, situated by the Lake Ashi. The room was classic style and had high ceiling. I did not know this hotel was the group of Hakone Fujiya Hotel, old and famous hotel in Hakone.

  • View from the room. Nice!

    View from the room. Nice!

  • The garden of the hotel, it seems the wedding ceremony site.

    The garden of the hotel, it seems the wedding ceremony site.

  • I went to Odawara castle park after Hakone. It is イトマキ(Podocarpus macrophyllus) tree and its diameter is 4.5m. Twisted shape looked unique.

    I went to Odawara castle park after Hakone. It is イトマキ(Podocarpus macrophyllus) tree and its diameter is 4.5m. Twisted shape looked unique.

  • 報徳二宮神社 (Hotoku Ninomiya Shrine), built in this park. This shrine was made for worship of Ninomiya Sontoku in Meiji Era. Ninomiya Sontoku was a philosopher and agricultural reformer.

    報徳二宮神社 (Hotoku Ninomiya Shrine), built in this park. This shrine was made for worship of Ninomiya Sontoku in Meiji Era. Ninomiya Sontoku was a philosopher and agricultural reformer.

  • I like to take a photo of guardian lion dogs in shrines.

    I like to take a photo of guardian lion dogs in shrines.

  • The statue of Sontoku, he was famous for studying hard even he needed to work in the field because his parents died when he was a teenager.

    The statue of Sontoku, he was famous for studying hard even he needed to work in the field because his parents died when he was a teenager.

  • Lots of carps in the pond of shrine... ohh scary.

    Lots of carps in the pond of shrine... ohh scary.

  • I saw Odawara castle too.

    I saw Odawara castle too.

  • I went back to Zushi afterwards, and ate cheese cake in Chaya in front of the station ( I once worked this cafe before).

    I went back to Zushi afterwards, and ate cheese cake in Chaya in front of the station ( I once worked this cafe before).




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